Beauty is not in the face; Beauty is a light in the heart."
—Kahlil Gibran
Beauty is a symbolic word that cannot produce itself with a strict definition. To indeed be beautiful, amongst many descriptions of the word, means to have an esteemed recognition of self, others, all of life's unique offerings, transmutations, happenings, and all that is and has come to pass. It is a strongly felt energy from within—the expression of love, gratitude, creativity, and the healthy, sacred feminine. Beauty's ultimate form, faithful Beauty, rests in our hearts because Beauty cannot prevail without love, appreciation, direction, truth, wisdom, creation, kindness, and spirit.
The concept of Beauty can be interpreted in so many different ways. The idea of Beauty diversifies and cannot be termed nor defined. Beauty, as they say, is in the eye of the beholder. But for some reason, when people hear the word Beauty, they often dwell upon the physical aspects or attributes considered socially acceptable instead of the essence that renders something as such. In today's world, we usually find what society regards as beautiful, or Beauty, is heavily misguided and as shallow as a pool. When people hear the word Beauty, it often leads to thoughts of the cosmetics and fashion industry.
However, despite what we may be misguided to perceive as a sole representation of what is beautiful. Countless people know Beauty is more than what is on the surface; they know it is that felt sense within our spirit and perceived internal and external qualities. One of the most tragic difficulties facing people is that we don't want to be perfect for ourselves and conjure our definitions of Beauty or Beauty. Still, instead, we do so for the approval of others and SOCIETY. It's saddening what some people will do or agree with just to fit in with the world out there, and, unfortunately, as a result of this, most people do not accept themselves or others as they are and persist in trying to change themselves to fit societal moulds and standards.
But remember, the power to define your Beauty is in your hands, a liberating thought.
Upon Googling, Webster defines Beauty as the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that pleasure the senses or exalts the mind or spirit.
This made me curious about how individual women, in particular, continued to define Beauty for themselves in the simplest of terms.
In today's world, we are constantly pressured to look and act a certain way.
Whether through Social media, our friend circle, family or social networking. We are always going to be, one way or another, vulnerable to all those pressures and more. These masses try to make us fit a particular image acceptable to society. And in all honesty, this is remarkably frustrating. We live in an oxymoron in the sense that society dares to set these stupid definitions and standards of what is deemed beautiful but fails its members by continually bullying and criticizing how some people choose to regale or express their Beauty in truth.
From a societal level, you can infer that the public loves beautiful people and beautiful things. Yet, as much as society gets off on exciting physical attraction and dehumanizing anything, it deems it ugly. Culture is just as quick to bash those who put effort into maintaining the aesthetics of some individual preferences, be it within their lifestyle, choices, or appearance; You can't win. Ironically, you are deemed vain, shallow, lacking depth, and greedy for simply appreciating the finer things and continually showing gratitude. Pushing past societal standards and walking in our truth can be challenging when we have been taught to agree or follow the masses.
We dont need society or any outside force to tell us what is and isn't beautiful. The power lies within us. You can feel powerful, healthy, and attractive by appreciating yourself (both your favourite and least favourite parts ) alongside your accomplishments and lessons learned. Of course, having that type of Confidence can be challenging for some; it can be tremendously complex, mainly when our society focuses so much on physical Beauty.
Whatever you need to do to gain confidence and appreciation for the magnificent things this life offers is your choice. Your definition of Beauty is expressed based on your worldview, experiences, preferences, etc. Embrace and appreciate your unique Beauty, for it sets you apart and makes you unique. This is a suggestion and an encouragement to celebrate your individuality and uniqueness.
However, you can be beautiful on the outside because of how you were created, but if you don't radiate beauty from the inside and are mean and nasty to others, would you still consider this beautiful? Society can regard you as " beautiful, " but if you aren't kind to others... are you wonderful? The same goes for, let's say, a world-renowned model who is always trying to fit in and gain approval. If you spend all your time trying to be and look like everyone else, are you allowing your true Beauty to shine? I'll let you answer those questions on your own.
Because, in all honesty, we need to continue asking ourselves these profound questions. It is time we awake. We must evolve to exercise our natural intellect, talents, skills, and abilities to incite a revival of our powers toward authenticity, love, creation, and Confidence. To be as beautiful as we are and accept all we are is to arouse that authentic spirit within ourselves. We positively muse others towards their path of cultivating their Beauty and appreciation.
If you want to put on makeup to bring life to your inner diva or wear certain clothes to feel more comfortable while expressing your glamour and style, then do it. You can appreciate and love yourself and the world around you without hating, overlooking, rejecting, or being ignorant of another aspect of something else. That is what also gives Beauty a feminist power. Deciding to enhance your Confidence, self-esteem, gratitude, and appreciation for life is your right to Beauty as a woman.
So please, to you, the reader. Please do not allow the confusion of this world to misguide you on your journey. You and all else that surrounds you are beautiful. Life is gorgeous, and you create Beauty everywhere you go. Do not allow the position of modern world affairs, opinions, ignorance, arrogance, and vanities to derail you from cultivating the light of love, nourishment, and creation that resides in you. Take care of yourself and appreciate what you choose to find pleasing.
Thanks for reading; I am always humbled to give insight and serve.
Until next time, remember you are beautiful,
take care.